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    FH500 FAP problem: Critical soot level P10FE00 Volvo EU6

    P10FE00: Critical soot rate

    FH500 FAP problem: Stop the expense

    Maximum soot level, regeneration not possible

    Particulate filter fault on Volvo FH500 Euro 6: summary of the situation

    The truck is a 2017 Volvo FH 500, Euro 6 standard. It is equipped with FAP, EGR and Adblue. The differential pressure sensor in the FAP has been changed several times, thinking that it was obscuring the values for FAP clogging. All RESETs were carried out. After a few days, the same scenario reappeared, with a critical soot threshold, and it was impossible to carry out any regeneration, either at a dealership or manually on the truck.

    FH500 FAP problem: Critical soot level P10FE00 Volvo EU6

    What are the defects encountered?

    There are 2 main faults concerning the particulate filter system.

    Code P10FE00: This indicates a moderately high soot level. This results in the message "Critical soot level on dashboard", which means that the diesel particulate filter (DPF) has accumulated a moderate level of soot and may be clogged. This affects engine performance, leading to reduced power and increased fuel consumption.

    In addition, the fault code P245264 indicates a fault in the signal sent by the particulate filter pressure sensor. This may be due to a fault in the sensor itself, wiring problems or a software problem.

    P10FE00 Volvo FH500

    FH500 FAP problem: Critical soot level P10FE00 in memory

    Regeneration becomes impossible: mandatory change?

    The ultimate solution to a recurring particulate filter problem is to remove it. (This is forbidden even if the vehicle is still running on mine), but it is not legal. There are cases where this can be done legally. (Export, work outside Europe...).
    The value of the soot rate increases significantly, i.e. at each moment the rate takes on a higher value than the previous one. After a certain threshold, as in this case, the value has reached a point of no return. In fact, the 'Soot Accumulation' value is too high for the user to initiate manual regeneration.

    What's more, this excessively high rate indicates a mandatory DPF change at the dealership. This rate does not allow forced regeneration with the Volvo Valise. It is therefore imperative to either remove the DPFS or replace it.

    Definitive removal of the FAP fault on FH500

    The particulate filter can be removed using software programming solutions. The EMS, which contains information on soot levels and other exhaust-related fault parameters, memorizes the fault codes and restricts the vehicle's ability to operate: this is known as degraded mode.

    By reprogramming the EMS, we override the fault code feedback and emission treatment alerts. In addition, engine restriction is inactive after reprog. Regenerations are blocked and the complete DPF/EGR/SCR system is inhibited. DPF suppression alone is not possible on Volvo Euro 6 engines. Adblue, DPF and EGR work together and are linked.

    It is also essential to carry out a parameter reset (RESET), in order to reset soot and ash levels to ZERO.

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