Solutions for all your anti-pollution problems -


    AdBlue defect removal Renault Magnum 520 DXi and Puissance

    Power enhancement and AdBlue defect elimination

    AdBlue defect removal Renault Magnum 520

    Fault elimination and motor torque limits

    Following a number of problems with the anti-pollution system, we intervened on this Magnum 520 DXi with the aim of eradicating the defect in the SCR system. The Adblue Renault Magnum fault can be removed as follows:
    - Either by mounting a box on the vehicle's CAN BUS network.
    - Or by programming data
    In our case, we programmed the post-gas treatment data directly into the vehicle's OBD socket.

    AdBlue defect removal Renault Magnum 520

    Complete removal of devices : Possible and undetectable

    Visit Adblue suppression Renault Magnum is to be able to drive without engine torque reduction. This means that the error message on the dashboard indicating engine torque reduction in xxx hours will no longer be displayed. The truck will have full power at all times. The degraded mode will no longer be effective on the vehicle (only for emissions), leaving of course the safeguards relating to engine malfunction.

    If you're geographically far from our center, or if we're not in your area and you're in a hurry, we can send you the box directly with its assembly diagram. It's very easy to install (approx. 30 min.). 

    The defect disappeared completely after our intervention

    Travel and service on Renault Euro 5 vehicles

    We hope our article has helped you in your search. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We travel all over France to work on HGV anti-pollution systems. You can reach us directly by phone or on Whatsapp if you need more information. You can also visit our Renault Euro 5 special page 

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